Thursday, March 27, 2014

Date A Girl Who Talks Back.

Date a girl who talks back. Date a girl who lets you know that she wants to go to dinner, knows which restaurant, and exactly what entree she will order. Date her because these simple choices imply the very thing she neglects to broadcast: she knows exactly what she wants and is not afraid to show you.

She is the girl who can hold a conversation with just about anyone in any scenario because she is outgoing and not overbearing. At times, you might get nervous because you feel as if she's putting on a show for men to watch and women to envy, when in reality she is comfortable enough in her own skin to learn more about others while giving only a glimpse of herself. The men she converses with are secretly envious of you because their girlfriends are clingy and reserved, not social and uninhibited.

Look for a girl who will swiftly offer to go dutch on that dinner date the both of you passive-agressively scheduled. She will rarely expect you to foot the bill because she understands that you are both young, semi-professional twentysomethings that are still trying to find your careers and your own apartment (besides, you both know what it's like to be twentysomething and in a place like New York City). 

Ask her out again and tell her you appreciated the first date. She might foot the bill the next time you go out and pleasantly surprise you.

You will think about her on your train ride home because she is the first to ever pay.

Tell her how cute it is that she unabashedly uses thesaurus words and occasionally corrects you on your grammar. She isn't doing it to nitpick, she's teaching you the correct way to use something so that somebody else doesn't try to be condescending by snidely saying the right phrase.

You will thank her after that important job interview you used a witty phrase correctly and made your future employer think twice about you (in a good way).

Chicks who talk back are not the frigid, man-hating, Anna Wintour-emulating nuances you think they are. They are loving, sensitive, selfless, and intelligent people who want to share this ever-changing world with someone who is willing to show them the same amount of respect they give to others. They are not "crazy", they are certain.

Listen to her when she is telling you how she feels, whether it be negative or positive. Women are emotional creatures, and understanding our feelings is understanding US. Don't get defensive when she calls you out on spending more time with your friends than with her; she is trying to remind you that before being lovers, you are FRIENDS first and foremost, thus she should also be treated one. 

Don't be nervous to bring her around the guys. They will love her gung-ho attitude and die-hard love for sports, music, and politics. More importantly, they will recognize a genuineness that is rare to find in any human these days, male or female.

Do NOT call her "crazy" or try to make her feel like it; being assertive does not equate to being mentally unhinged. It means that she is not afraid to take chances in life-you are one of them, so you should be appreciative of it.

You will think she is crazy because you know damn well that she can easily find another man who will see that "craze" as self-assurance.

You will throw her feelings into disarray because your own emotions are as such. Please refrain from piling your own insecurities onto hers, because as strong of a woman as she is, she still needs someone who will give her that extra bit of reassurance.

Most importantly, always remember to show her how much you love her. Buy her a paperback copy of her favorite Bret Easton Ellis book because you knew she'd like it. Surprise her and take her to the place you first met, she'd never think of that as something you would remember. Tell her how much you love the fact that she does for you because she WANTS to, not because she can. Prove to her that the 150% of love that she shows you every day without request is worth her time and effort.

Date a chick who talks back because you deserve somebody who will recognize your faults as well as your strengths. Date her because even though she doesn't need you, she strives to keep you in her life and to keep you as happy and as comfortable as she is.  If you give her excuses and defensive attitudes,  you should ask yourself if you are worthy of such a chick. If you want to explore life with her as your occasional tour guide, date a chick who talks back.

Or even better, date a girl who likes talking.

1 comment:

  1. Great article! Young girls can learn a thing or two from this. It's OK to be outspoken and opinionated. Its makes us strong, unique, and desirable. The world creates a definition about females that is steeped in being submissive, even the definition of words when applied to girls make it seem like having an opinion means we are pompous or dogmatic ... We need to realize these things are there to keep us oppressed in a cycle that defines us. Thanks for sharing <3
